I am the stingiest person on the planet when it comes to my face products.
I have been blessed with fairly decent skin and have never seen the point in
spending that much. I would rather take my mediocre skin to an island in the
Caribbean than slather myself with a tiny jar that costs as much as a plane
But if those products magically show up in my house as a gift, I am not
above a little indulgence...after all I am a girl at heart. In order to
share in the fun, my sweet friend Sarah (or Sarita as N calls her) came over for
a mini spa night. It might have been the limoncello talking, but we decided
that photo documenting our night was the best idea ever.
Here's us straight from work with our regular makeup on before we started any of the mask
We removed our makeup and washed our faces before we put on the mask.
After waiting the allotted time we used the magnet bar that came with the mask to remove it. The bar literally sucked the mask off our faces pulling a ridiculous amount of nastiness out of our pores with it. After it was all done, we massaged the rest of the oils into our skin and voila! We were shiny and new with baby soft skin.
This stuff is AMAZING. There is absolutely no way that I would have ever bought into the Dead Sea Mud Mask before trying it this time, but I think if I try really hard I can justify it. Or buy it and forget the new boots I wanted this fall. Who am I kidding? We all know I'll just buy them both.