Monday, September 29, 2014

She has my DNA

Sometimes our children are the best of us.  There are days that I am blown away by the kindhearted, generous, unconditionally loving little human that came out of me.  I look at her and I am humbled by the sweet spirit she embodies. 

Then there are the days that the darling little face looking back is anything but angelic.  It is full of attitude and disdain and undeniably me. 

Heaven have mercy on me...we haven't even hit the teenage years yet.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Secret of a Happy Relationship

Earlier today a couple of friends suggested that I write a book about my relationship with N.  For a split second it rolled around in my brain because, how much fun would that be, but then I came back down to planet earth and laughed.  I do love to write and I do love my life, but it seems like an awfully cocky thing to tell the world we have it so right that everyone should follow our lead.  Of course there are plenty of people out there who have written about how to have happy relationships who have done just that - and I have read them all.  Some have had good advice, some have made me roll my eyes, and some have been so terrible that I couldn't even finish them.  Who am I to tell the world that we hold all the secrets to lifelong bliss and are willing to share them for the low, low price of $24.95?

Truthfully though, we do get it right most of the time.  Oh, I am sure that a million people would disagree with me since we are not a typical heterosexual couple, barring us from any sort of credit.  But I can say with certainty that it is the healthiest relationship I have ever been in.  I wake up most days and can't believe that this life around me actually belongs to me.  On our worst days, we are kinder and better to one another than nearly all of the people I know.  We are not saints by any means, but we strive to embody the 1 Corinthians definition of love on a daily basis.  We meet each other where we can and offer our hearts fully, without reservation, knowing that what we give is a fraction of the blessings bestowed upon us.  It is the kind of love that transforms me in a way that I didn't know was possible.  Even as I sit here, a smile is playing across my lips.  I just can't help but talk about how wonderful it is.  Maybe I should write something after all...

So what do you think?  Would the handful of readers that I actually have be interested in a book?