Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Shaking It Up a Little

As a writer and semi-blogger I tend to spend my free hours scouring the internet for new things to read.  Oh, I have my standards for sure, and I will never give those up.  I read funny blogs, spiritual blogs, mommy blogs, and a ton of in between.  But lately I have been in search of something...different...I don't know exactly how to explain this mission exactly, but I know what I mean.  What's that you say?  You're not mind readers?  Man!  This would be so much easier if you were!  Could you get on that please?  Thank you.

In the meantime...I'll try to fumble my way through.  I've already discussed that my word for this year is awareness.  True to form, I have been working through things, delving deep into my psyche (a damn scary place) and uncovering bits and pieces that were more comfortable staying buried thankyouverymuch.  I have been leaning into Jesus in a way that I have not in a very long time.  I have been writing like a fiend, publishing a fraction of it here, and trying to finish a novel that has decided to take a completely different turn when I was oh, about 75% complete.  And somehow in the midst of all of that, I have been seeking something new to shake up my soul a little.  As if that wasn't enough, right?  But I am only going to push myself so far before I convince myself that I am good and it's time to be comfortable now.  So off I went in search of some new writers to keep pushing me forward, if that makes sense at all.

Enter Sarah Bessey.  Holy mother, her blog is rocking my world.  Since discovering it, I have been greedily reading every single free moment that I possibly have.  There are still so many archives that I have not quite managed to squeeze in and I can't wait to get my hands on them.  She has amazing insight and a style of writing that is easy to read, while touching you at the core.  Please, I urge you to go check her out.  I promise you will not be disappointed!


  1. Glad things are going well.


    1. Thanks girl! It's busier than ever but going well. :)
