Clearly, the actions of a mature and reasonable adult.
It was during this non-writing time that my therapist called me a "discouraged perfectionist". I scoffed slightly at anything with the word perfectionist in it; anyone who is reading this and has seen my home can attest! But she went on to explain that the discouraged perfectionist is someone with all of the same type-A tendencies of the perfectionist..are all or nothing people who have realized that if they can't make it perfect they don't want to do it at all. So we choose nothing. People, this is me right down to the core. She then went on to say that no one in my life, (my daughter, my friends, my boss, my family) needs me to be perfect. They need me to be good enough, and I am.
What a revelation that was! It still pains me to let go of my perfectionist thoughts, but I am learning to forgive myself for my many imperfections. Along with this, came the itching desire to start writing again...this time for me...the whole and real me. So here I am, beginning fresh, with only the promise of transparency.
Welcome and thank you for joining me. It's so nice to meet you. :)
Being good enough...what a concept. I could have written that fourth paragraph myself.