"Great is the art of the beginning, but greater is the art of ending."
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I have been thinking about this a lot lately, the ending of things. Whether it's a relationship, a friendship, a job, or any other ending, we tend to handle it badly. Even though change is truly the only constant in life, so it's inevitable that things are going to change. If you're anything like me, you play what-if's for the next 6 months, and wonder why, what, how things could have gone differently. I used to make myself crazy this way! It has not been until very recently that I really got some clarity on the subject.
Instead of dreading change and fearing the ending of things, we should treat them as necessary steps to the new beginning of something else. With grapevines, there is a pruning that must take place in order for the vines to produce grapes. Every season, cuts are made so the rest of the vine may flourish and bear fruit. In life, I am hesitant to make these cuts, to sever the ties. It is extremely painful and difficult. However, I am learning that evaluating where cuts need to be made is essential to living a full and rich life that will be fruitful. Bad habits that need to be cut, a toxic work environment needs to be cut, someone with constant negativity needs to be cut. Not necessarily cut out of your life, especially if it is a person, but putting the boundary there that allows you to step back from the influence it has on your life and your ability to move forward.
By being aware of what feeds us and being willing to end the things that are holding us back, we are truly able to begin to grow and move on to the bright new beginning that is just waiting for us to step into it.
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