In the past I have chosen words like 'fearless' and 'present' that are more easily defined and focused on. When it came time to start thinking about my word for this year, I bounced many around in my brain and 'awareness' kept surfacing. Awareness? Am I supposed to raise awareness? Be aware of my surroundings? I mean, I usually am. I pay attention. I don't wander into dark parking garages alone. No, that's not going to work for me. I continued to focus on other words trying to make one that I liked better feel right. I realized during this that my inner voice is FAR more stubborn than I am. And so my word for this year was born. I had no idea just how much it was going to shape the coming months.
We are only one-quarter of the way through the year and I have already seen huge progress and had many "light-bulb" moments where everything suddenly makes sense and becomes clear. Some I have written about, some I have not, and they are too numerous to share every one. As I was sitting here this morning, having yet another of these moments (more to come on that later), I was suddenly so grateful that this word chose me this year. That it kept coming to the surface and demanding to be chosen when I wasn't sure that it was the right one. Because it is the right one. In fact, it just might be the most perfect one yet.
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