Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

I have been wanting to get a post written about Disney for weeks, but just haven't quite found the time to put all the pictures together and actually sit down and write it.  I would like to blame this on the unpacking, etc that has been happening since we got home but that would be a lie as my suitcase is still sitting in the office completely full.  I promise that eventually I will get the pictures up and tell you how amazing it was.

This morning however, I have to talk about random acts of kindness.  This morning the car in front of me paid for my order at Starbucks.  I was pleasantly surprised and drove away feeling as if my entire morning had been transformed.  This instance alone would be enough to tell you about, but this is not the first time this has happened.  Last week, at the very same Starbucks, someone else also paid for my coffee!  As I was telling N about it, she mentioned that it happens to her often at the Starbucks near her office.  Listening to her, I remembered reading something about a line where each person paid for the car behind them that lasted for something like 1000 cars, also at a Starbucks.  

It got me thinking about positive energy and how like attracts like.  I don't know what it is about Starbucks, but something that they are doing to make the world a kinder, more generous place, is rubbing off on their patrons.  What if we all started doing things to make the world a better place?  I'm not saying that you need to adopt an orphanage in Africa, unless that's you're thing, in which case go for it.  I'm saying that here, in our cities we could make such a difference if we all committed to going out of our way to be kind on a more regular basis.  It can be money, unexpected forgiveness, holding a door open for someone that's just a little farther behind us than we normally would wait for, whatever moves you.  At least once a week, commit to doing something to make one person's day better.

If you do, and you write about your experience, please let me know or link back - I would love to hear about it!

Wishing you happiness and peace on this lovely Wednesday,

P.S. - I started p90x yesterday and I think I might die.  Please carry on your kindness without me if I do.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Counting Down

We are in full-on vacation planning mode around our house.  I have finally realized that I need to stop purchasing things on Etsy (read: I'm out of time to have them shipped before we leave) and my bank account thanks me for it.  Just today I got the last thing I need and thanks to my sweet friend CC I have both an awesome bag to take into the park with me and a collapsing duffle to throw in the car for things that we buy and need to bring home.  It's as if she knows me or something.

There are approximately 25 "To-Do before we leave" lists floating around the house that all of the same thing on them.  I keep misplacing one and then making a new one.  I feel like I should have it committed to memory at this point, but no such luck.

I haven't finished one of the projects that I need to before we leave, but I have found time to look up new Disney projects on Pinterest.  Because clearly, I'm a girl who knows her priorities.

I mean, it was far more important last night to make these than it was to do laundry:

Doesn't everyone make chocolate covered strawberries that are Disney themed to prepare for their trip?

No, just me?

Well you're missing out.  Alaina and I had so much fun making them and they sure were delicious to eat last night while I was packing sitting on the couch watching television.

Tonight I am hoping to cross at least a few more things off the list...or bake some chocolate chip cookies for the car trip.