Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Side of the Street

In the interest of giving you a break from my rambling, I've invited some of my dear friends to guest post for me from time to time.  Below is the first from my dear, insightful friend, Christina.  Enjoy!

If given the choice, I will always choose heartache over troubled joys.  My heart can break and then break again, but my footing will always remain.  Slipping off this rock, is not an option.  Faltering during a moment of pain doesn't exist quite so much due to one's innate need to pillage on.  We fight to continue through pain, we search for the light at the end of the tunnel, we survive.  But to search for acceptance and praise for joy exhausts even the strongest willed individuals.  Rights and recognition for happiness, on aisle five right next to the canned regret, on sale today!  Nothing about happiness should seek out air to breathe.  At no point during celebration should hope be stamped out by evil and angst.  Rejoice in my amazement with all that you are or leave me alone to praise all things, with all that I am.  Rain on your own parade with your damaged goods sign and your defamed tongue.  

As for me, I will choose this side of the street, broken and painful, but numb and familiar, while defending the rights of those who find joy.  Squash you like the bugs you are for attempting to strip away the beautiful layers of paint on the glory of life's happy artwork.  Judge if you like, but my heart know's it's strengths, it's boundaries.  I am strong, I am fierce, I am here to rejoice in your light as I love you...And to protect you from those who try to stunt your glow. - All this watching from this, rather, my side of the street.

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